Upcoming Book

split Tales cover-2

Blue Flamingo Press is pleased to present our inaugural release. Split Tales is a collection of short stories by Jean DeSanto Campbell and J. Travis Grundon. An honest representation of both authors’ works, it has a range of unforgettable characters and storytelling.

Jean has been writing since she could hold a pencil. Words fill her head and must find release. She is a poet and a short story writer. She has had stories published in the anthologies Quixotic and Hotel Stories. She was also an editor on Hotel Stories.

J. Travis Grundon has an academic background in English. He is the author of one novel, Mr. Bad Example, and two short story collections. Travis served as an editor and contributing author of Forrest J Ackerman’s Anthology of the Living Dead. He lives in Indiana.

The book will be released in July 2015.

What The Water Knows

Does the water know

it sparkles in the sun?

Do those hard grey stones bruise as the rapids rush by?

Cold in the deep,

warm in the shallows–

is the heavy depth of stillness

quiet like sleep?

Such a long journey from bubbling spring

to vast ocean

must be tiring.

(See the spines of the fish, rainbow treasures of scales sloughed off

as a gift in the water.)

What tree’s deep roots reach into the muddy

creek bottom–

pulling molecules of water from beneath the surface to the top, green leaves glistening…

The water’s voice–shall it rise in anger over the sharp edges of the rock ledge,

pooling down below–

dwindle to a murmur

past the pebbles of the shore’s edge,

lapping against the canoe

laid to rest on the sand

as we picnic in the sun, by the sparkling, oblivious water.